💰Protocol Fees

Cross-chain bridge Fees

Each non-OOOI token bridged through Corridor.Finance will incur a 0.3% service fee. Here's the fee allocation breakdown of the transaction fees:

Swap fee

Corridor Finance currently charges 0.30% swapping fee for all pools. Liquidity providers can initially create pools at one rate only for now: 0.30%. More fee levels may be added by $OOOI governance.

Deposit fee

There is no deposit fee for all deposits in Corridor Finance. However, there will be a minimum charge to cover the gas fee when withdrawal is requested.

Withdrawal fees and minimums

Corridor.Finance Pioneer Program

Eligible BRC20 projects that integrate Corridor.Finance as their bridging partner will receive full refunded fees in $OOOI. Available refundable fees will be snapshotted on daily base.

Please contact Corridor.Finance team for the program details.

Last updated